Tuesday, June 23, 2009

TJC's Emily Einstein Shares Her Thoughts

I’m a paralegal/client-advocate at the Tennessee Justice Center. One of my duties includes taking calls from Tennesseans who are having trouble getting medically necessary services through TennCare. I listen to their stories and then help them get the services they need. By the time Ms. Dixon called me about helping her get Terrell’s wheelchair, she was worn out with trying to carry Terrell and all of his heavy medical machinery to doctors appointments. After we spoke, I helped her file a TennCare appeal and wrote a letter on Terrell’s behalf to the State’s attorneys. Later, I contacted the wheelchair company every few days until the wheelchair was delivered.

This was my first client success story since I started working at TJC. It felt so good to be able to help a child in need get a service that allows him to live a better life. When Ms. Dixon called me about the wheelchair, it had been months since the doctor had ordered the wheelchair but it still had not been delivered. I thought how difficult it must have been to have a sick child to transport without the aid of a wheelchair. Terrell definitely needed a wheelchair and I was glad that I could help him get one.

Working for TJC has opened my eyes to how hard it is for many children in Tennessee to get the medical services they need. Some of these families give up hope once their child is denied a service; I’m thankful that TJC steps in for families who are exhausted of fighting for care. Being a part of helping children, like Terrell, get services has been so meaningful.

1 comment:

  1. yes daraus d norris is my feancie and he is having tenncare problems he is on disability for endstage renal failure and gose to dialysis he on medicare and was on tenncare they paid for transportation to dialysis and doc oppintments and paid for him to see someone for his depression etc well they cut him off nov 3 2009 now he dont know what to do he cant see his depression doc. and has to try to find a way to his dialysis and other appointments cant walk to catch bus cause he has shortness of breath and panic attacks around alot of people he takes meds for that and his depression but if he cant see his deoression doc. he cant get his meds
