Friday, May 15, 2009

Tennessee Legislature Undecided About Home Health Limits

On Monday, March 30, TennCare recipients hurt by the fall 2008 home health limits testified before the legislature's Joint Committee on Government Operations. They asked the committee to make a negative recommendation on these TennCare rules, so they could receive adequate care in their homes. The committee, moved by this testimony, made a neutral recommendation, which means the rules will be reviewed again. ACTION ALERT: Your calls are needed! Contact your legislator and ask that he or she fix the rules. If not on the committees, ask that he or she contact committee members about this issue. Here is a list of legislators on the key committees who will decide this issue. Click here to find your legislator. Click here for ideas on what to say to your legislator. Want to do more? Start a petition at your local school, church, or neighborhood group to oppose the cuts! See a sample petition.

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