Thursday, May 6, 2010

TJC 2010 Mother of the Year - Linda Winford

Linda Winford of Clarksville is being honored as a 2010 Mother of the Year by the Tennessee Justice Center (TJC). The award is in recognition of her persistence in battling to obtain medical services for her daughter and for her extraordinary commitment to the healthcare of all children and families. Ms. Winford is one of six parents from all over the state who are receiving the 2010 TJC Mother of the Year award.

Just after Christmas 2006, four siblings were adopted by retired phone company employee Linda Winford. While living with their biological parents, the children had endured physical and verbal abuse. When they first came to their foster mom, it was with broken bones, shaved heads (due to lice), malnutrition, and a host of behavioral problems due to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The children’s healing began with love and care from their new mom, Linda, supported by her partner, Kathy Lyons, formerly with the Army as a Captain in the Chemical Corps. A near drowning accident resulted in the youngest child, Rebecca, becoming quadriplegic at age three. She cannot walk, breathes with the help of a tracheotomy, and is fed by a tube. Through Linda and Kathy’s consistent care, she is getting stronger every day, and can now communicate through smiles and blinks.

Because she has difficulty coughing and swallowing, Rebecca needs help clearing her throat and lungs. Without proper help, many children in this condition are continually hospitalized for pneumonia. For more than a year and a half, Rebecca has been hospital-free because she uses “the Vest,” a machine that clears her lungs and prevents choking and infections. But last fall TennCare notified the family that the Vest would be taken away because it was “experimental.” The family called TJC, and we helped them get ready for the hearing. They proved to the judge that it would be cheaper for TennCare and better for Rebecca to keep the Vest, so the judge ordered it. Ms. Winford said, “With the Tennessee Justice Center’s help, we were able to keep Rebecca’s Vest, and her respiratory health is excellent. Her pulmonologist just gave her a clean bill of health.”

As the family faces more battles to get Rebecca what she needs, TJC is by their side. Rebecca is benefitting tangibly from hyperbaric oxygen therapy to restore her cognitive function, and needs nurses to accompany her to those treatments. But TennCare denied the nursing care. TJC wrote a letter to the state explaining why she should get the care, and found an attorney to represent the family in court. Unfortunately, they lost at the hearing, but Ms. Winford is not through fighting. Ms. Winford said, “We’ll keep working to help Rebecca and other young people keep their health care and reach their potential.”

One way the family’s fighting to raise awareness of children like Rebecca is their annual RebeccaRoo festival coming up in September 2010. RebeccaRoo 2009 was a big success, with live music, food, and activities for the community to enjoy. The festival benefits Rebecca and other disabled children by raising awareness and funds for their ongoing care needs.

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