Tuesday, May 4, 2010

TJC 2010 Mother (and Father!) of the Year - Dr. Bill and Mrs. Karen Shannon

Dr. Bill and Mrs. Karen Shannon have been caring for their son Jim since he became disabled 38 years ago. Jim was born healthy, but had become nonverbal and quadriplegic by the time he was eight months old. Doctors were never able to explain what went wrong. Over the years, with the help of nurses, Dr. and Ms. Shannon have helped him learn to use a computer with the one part of his body that he can control – the left side of his chin. Jim lives a full life despite his severe disabilities. He has a Master’s degree from Middle Tennessee State University, a job working with computers, is the president of an organization concerned with technology for people with disabilities, and attends church every Sunday.

When TennCare wanted to reduce Jim’s nursing hours in 2008, Dr. and Mrs. Shannon did everything they could to fight it. The Shannons wanted to make sure their son got the care he needed to allow him to reach his full potential. TJC helped them file an appeal and find an attorney to represent Jim at his hearing. We also campaigned to get the rules changed that allowed TennCare to reduce the home health care of enrollees like Jim, and Dr. and Mrs. Shannon led the fight by speaking to legislators at the committee hearing, speaking out against the limits on a local radio show, and getting over fifty members of their community to sign a petition against the home health cuts.

Then, in 2009, TennCare eligibility changed, putting Jim at risk of losing his health insurance altogether. Without TennCare coverage, Jim would lose the nursing care he needs to stay safe. His employer’s insurance wouldn’t help, since their plan does not cover home health care. Dr. Shannon called TJC again, and we determined that Jim was still eligible for TennCare. In their fight to reinstate Jim’s care, Dr. and Mrs. Shannon also spoke for many other parents struggling to obtain care for their children. Currently, more than 500,000 children rely on TennCare for their health care.

Through TJC’s advocacy, and with Sumner County attorney Jim Hawkin’s representation, Dr. and Mrs. Shannon were able to prove to TennCare that Jim was eligible. He continues to receive the care he needs to stay safe and remain a productive member of society. Dr. Shannon said about TJC, “They’re almost like the proverbial David and Goliath story – they’re David, trying to fight a huge machine to protect the rights of individuals.” He continued, “Common folks like us, we don’t know what our rights really are and what w should expect, so these people at TJC, they’re the light at the end of the tunnel for us.” Listen to Dr. Shannon speaking about TJC.

We’re proud to honor Dr. and Mrs. Shannon of Hendersonville as 2010 Mother and Father of the Year.

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