Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Health Care Story - 11/10/10

Mary and Joe’s foster son, Timmy, is severely autistic and intellectually disabled. Timmy is almost completely nonverbal and can use very limited sign language. Nevertheless, he loves music, watching Barney, and playing on the swing in his yard. Timmy also has dysphasia, esophageal problems, and reflux problems that require regular suctioning. Timmy’s doctor prescribed speech therapy to help him communicate better, but many speech therapists would not treat Timmy because he was too difficult.
Then Timmy’s parents found Susan Hock, a speech therapist at the Parent-Child Services Group in Knoxville, TN. Therapist Hock stuck with Timmy, and he started showing signs of improvement – sitting still, paying attention, correctly using some sign language, and playing simple computer games. And Timmy likes working with Susan. Now that she has worked with Timmy for several years, they have an established relationship, which is vital for Timmy because he has trouble meeting and working with new people. Due to Susan’s hard work with Timmy, he was able to have his feeding tube removed, reducing his risk of feeding-tube related infections.
Despite all of Timmy’s progress, TennCare said that Timmy would have to switch to a new therapist. TJC worked with the family to keep getting Timmy the care he needed. After TJC filed an appeal and sent TennCare letters of support from Timmy’s medical providers, TennCare decided the appeal in favor of Timmy and his parents – he could keep getting therapy from therapist Hock.
Mary said afterward, “I was very pleased with the results of the appeal…I also appreciate the concern and care that Susanne showed us.”
The Tennessee Justice Center works to help children get the care they need. We accept calls from providers as well as parents. If you know a child who is waiting for care, call us.

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